VPG Participant Steve’s Apprenticeship Success

Youth Transitions I Youth Employment & Training I VPG

Living in Mareeba, a regional town in Far North Queensland, Steve had a deeplyingrained passion for four-wheel driving, sparking an interest in pursuing a career within the automotive industry from an early age.

Looking to broaden his employment prospects, Steve relocated from Mareeba to Cairns.Seeking support to fulfil his career goals and aspirations, Steve engaged with theTransition to Work program.

To prepare for employment and build his work readiness skills, Steve participated inintensive pre-employment training, boosting his confidence to start networking withprospective employers within the automotive industry.

During Steve’s job search phase, VPG brokered a Trades Assistant position at CairnsDiesel Services. Steve was identified as a potential candidate and was referred for theposition. Via one-on-one coaching and mentoring, he was well prepared for the application and interview process.

Successfully securing the role, Steve demonstrated commitment, motivation and awillingness to learn from the outset. Within two weeks of employment, Steve was offered a full-time apprenticeship.

Eligible for the Youth Bonus wage subsidy, Steve offered financial incentive for the employer to provide adequate training and mentoring to ensure a smooth transition into employment.

Cairns Diesel Services continues to recognise Steve’s outstanding work performance and is confident he will complete his apprenticeship with the organisation, with the hope that he will sustain long term employment beyond his apprenticeship years.

Taking steps to achieve his career goals, Steve has great satisfaction in the work that he does, and he is excited by the prospects of continuing to grow his knowledge and skills within his chosen profession.

Click here to meet Steve.

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