Tablelands Parents & Carers ASD Support Group proves successful

every family program

Parents and Carers of children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) are being given vital support and training through a dedicated Parent Support Group that is unique to the Tablelands community.

“Tablelands ASD Parent Support Group is a support group with the aim of providing peer support opportunities for parents and carers of children on the Autism Spectrum (with or without a diagnosis) across the Tablelands community.

“Tablelands ASD Parent Support Group is facilitated by Every Family, a VPG program committed to supporting families, parents and caregivers and improving developmental outcomes for children aged 0-12 years,” said Vocational Partnerships Group, CEO, Maryanne Tranter.

Currently, Tablelands ASD Support Group meets monthly in both Atherton and Mareeba. Expert guest speakers are brought in to share information and advice specific to those caring for children on the Autism Spectrum.

In addition to meetings, parents and caregivers are also invited to join the Tableland ASD Support Group Facebook group where members are able to post events and information or discuss challenges and triumphs in a private environment with people facing similar hurdles.

In the month of May Tableland parents and carers in Atherton and Mareeba heard from well-known Speech Pathologist, Wendy Richardson, as part of an information session. Wendy specialises in speech and language development, NDIS and the issues surrounding children with Autism.

“The parents and carers say they found her advice invaluable and have been able to apply her training almost immediately in the home environment to further support their child.

“I think the reason the formation of this group has been so well received, is that parents and carers of children with ASD are given limited support on a day to day basis in Regional Australia and it is comforting for them to know that they are not alone and that they can be part of this supportive framework with other parents and share their knowledge, experience and all the highs and lows that come with having a child on the spectrum in a safe place,” said Ms Tranter.

The Facebook Group Parents and Carers of ASD children are encouraged to connect with is:

Tableland ASD Support Group

For media interviews contact:

Tina Taylor – Every Family – mob: 0438 072 817


Maryanne Tranter, CEO, Vocational Partnerships Group (VPG) – mob: 0408 321 677

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