VPG Participant Cheralee’s transferable skills leading her to new opportunities

Youth Transitions I Youth Employment & Training I VPG

In March 2020, as the COVID-19 pandemic hit Australia, Cheralee was just beginning her job search journey after completing a 6-month Media Traineeship. Despite the impact the pandemic had on the labour market, VPG was able to support Cheralee through the Transition to Work Program as she navigated her way to employment success.

To broaden her employment opportunities, VPG helped Cheralee understand the transferable skills she gained during her Media Traineeship, identifying suitable positions within a range of different industries, supporting her with resume writing, job applications and interview preparation. 

In addition to VPGs support and encouragement, Cheralee demonstrated persistence and determination to find work. Cheralee was presented with a job opportunity brokered by VPG as a Medical Receptionist at Apple Tree Medical.

Securing an interview for the position and up against a number of qualified candidates with administration experience, the employer offered Cheralee the position, appreciating her enthusiasm, positivity and passion to learn.

Eligible for the Youth Bonus wage subsidy, Cheralee offered financial incentive for the employer to provide adequate training and mentoring from senior staff to ensure a smooth transition into the role.

Achieving job satisfaction in her position, Cheralee is looking forward to the future as she continues to grow and develop her skills and experience. Highlighted in her employment success, Cheralee’s employer is confident she will sustain long term employment with the organisation.

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