VPG Participant Kirstin’s success in Individual Support

Youth Transitions I Youth Employment & Training I VPG

At 16 years of age, Kirstin left school. Considering her education and employment prospects, she engaged with TTW for additional support and guidance. Through career exploration and one on one coaching, Kirstin quickly identified an interest in pursuing a career in aged care. VPG connected Kirstin with an opportunity to undertake a Certificate III in Individual Support.

Shortly after commencing her studies, the COVID-19 pandemic hit Australia. Over this time, Kirstin demonstrated passion and drive to complete her course, successfully moving to online learning. Required to undertake 120 hours of placement, opportunities for Kirstin were limited due to the pandemic placing accessibility restrictions on aged care facilities.

VPG identified an employment opportunity at a local aged care facility requiring the applicant to have completed a Certificate III in Individual Support. Yet to complete her work placement, VPG encouraged Kirstin to apply for the position, supporting her with the application, coaching her on ways to promote herself and her capabilities and helping her prepare for the job interview.

Kirstin successfully secured permanent part-time employment as a Personal Carer at Carinya Home for the Aged in Atherton utilising the Youth Bonus wage subsidy. This opportunity has allowed Kirstin to complete her required placement hours and access on the job training.

Through her studies and employment, Kirstin has learnt to develop a level of patience and empathy that has been recognised as a key strength and contributing factor to her employment success. She recognises that every resident is unique, requiring individualised support, and has demonstrated great success in building rapport and relationships with the residents in care. Supporting the elderly with their daily routine has also helped Kirstin cultivate time management skills to ensure tasks and duties are delivered within schedule.

Not only has this employment opportunity allowed Kirstin to complete her studies, it has also provided her with the opportunity to start planning for her future. Now hoping to pursue a career as a Registered Nurse, Kirstin is grateful for the education and employment opportunities she gained through the TTW program and is excited to start taking steps towards achieving her career dreams.

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