VPG Recruits Local Talent For Wuchopperen Traineeship Program

Skilling Queenslanders for Work I Youth Transitions I Youth Employment & Training I VPG

Following the success of the Wuchopperen Traineeship program in 2021, local not-for-profit organisation Vocational Partnerships Group (VPG) rolls out the recruitment drive for a second year running.

Working together to strengthen employment prospects for Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander people in the local community, the program provides an entry pathway into administration, facilities and information technology.

VPG CEO Maryanne Tranter said the working partnership has successfully progressed employment opportunities for local Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander youth.

“The partnership has provided a supported pathway for young Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander people looking to kick start their career and work towards achieving their goals and aspirations.

“We are pleased to continue supporting the recruitment drive for the program as it moves into the second year, we are committed to developing economic opportunities that allow young people in our community to thrive and lead fulfilling lives.

“We will work closely with applicants who demonstrate strengths and skills matched to the positions available, providing pre-employment support to ensure young people selected are well prepared and ready for work,” said Ms Tranter.

Wuchopperen Health Service CEO Dania Ahwang welcomes the continued partnership with VPG which supported four trainees this year.

“As a health service we have a commitment to keeping our generations growing strong and that includes ‘growing our own’ not only through our health and wellbeing services but by creating employment pathways; and the VPG youth traineeships are an excellent way to do this,’ said Ms Ahwang.”

Brandon Bennet (pictured) was a Wuchopperen trainee in 2021, transitioning through the program into ongoing employment as a Facilities Support Officer.

“Finishing school and moving straight into a traineeship with Wuchopperen has been amazing.

“It’s given me the opportunity to access on the job training, learn new skills and gain a qualification while I get paid,” said Mr Bennet.

Promoting strong foundations for a successful future, the program combines work and learning opportunities over a 12-month period.

Interested community members are invited to attend an Information Session at VPG, Manunda on Thursday 25 November to learn more about the traineeships available and the application process.

All interested candidates are to contact VPG directly for further information.

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