VPG Participant Tia’s Transition to Work Success
Tia moved from Darwin to Cairns in 2020 right before the pandemic hit Australia. Engaging in VPG's Transition to Work program, Tia participated in intensive pre-employment training to build her job readiness skills in preparation for the world of work. Through the...
The Voice, March 2021 edition out now
The latest edition of The Voice is now available. Click here to read. In this edition we: Launch our new Youth Transitions promotional video; Celebrate VPG Participant Tia's success and achievements; Shine a spot light on Employer Champion Norweld for supporting our...
VPG Participant Steve’s Apprenticeship Success
Living in Mareeba, a regional town in Far North Queensland, Steve had a deeplyingrained passion for four-wheel driving, sparking an interest in pursuing a career within the automotive industry from an early age. Looking to broaden his employment prospects, Steve...
VPG Annual Open Day: Cairns
VPG is hosting its Annual Open Day in Cairns Thursday 11 February. This is an opportunity for young people to gain information on the programs and services available to them. Free workshops will be running throughout the day exploring real world opportunities, resume...
The Voice, Jan 2021 edition out now
The latest edition of The Voice is now available. Click here to read. In this edition we: Welcome 2021 with enthusiasm for the opportunities that await; Announce the successful applicants of the Wuchopperen Health Service Traineeship program; Review available youth...
VPG CEO, Maryanne Tranter nominated for Tablelands Regional Council’s Australia Day Award
VPG is excited to announce, CEO, Maryanne Tranter has been nominated for the Tablelands Regional Council's Australia Day Award. Maryanne is an inspirational leader who is known throughout the local community as a champion for those who may not always have a voice. She...
VPG & Q.I.T.E creating opportunities in partnership
Sharing a commitment for connecting jobseekers with local employment opportunities, VPG & Q.I.T.E are working together to inspire and motivate job seekers to consider employment on the Harvest Trail. Recognising the increasing demand for harvest workers in Far...
Wuchopperen partners with VPG in hiring blitz for traineeship program
Wuchopperen Health Service and Vocational Partnerships Group (VPG) are working together to create employment pathways for Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander people. Coinciding with NAIDOC Week 2020, Wuchopperen announces a traineeship program providing...
VPG Participant Royston lands Business Administration Traineeship
Already a role model in his hometown of Mapoon, a small community outside of Weipa, Royston was chasing his musical dreams in Melbourne when the COVID-19 pandemic hit Australia. As a result of strict lockdown measures, the sound of Royston’s live performing...
VPG Participant Kirstin’s success in Individual Support
At 16 years of age, Kirstin left school. Considering her education and employment prospects, she engaged with TTW for additional support and guidance. Through career exploration and one on one coaching, Kirstin quickly identified an interest in pursuing a career in...